Pancho And The Wizards are a psych-rock band from SLO County California and are best known for secret shows and throwing some of the best house parties and live shows along the California Coast. You can expect high energy Rock n’ Roll played fast, from The Wizards. It’s fun and magical while heavily interlaced with psychedelic, early metal and punk influences.
The band recently released a few songs off their new album dropping later this year. Watch the video from Wavzine showcasing unreleased performances from the album including “Smoke Stains” and more.

“The video is five previously unreleased songs we recorded live in my garage,” said Tristan Wildey, guitars and vocals for the band. “Some of them were songs we were playing live before Covid hit the US, and others were written during the pandemic. This is our debut of these songs that are going to be featured on our new album which is coming out this year.”

About the New Album
“Our new album Residual, is going to be released some time this year,” adds Tristan. “All of the songs in the video are from the new album, some have never been played live before, and these are the first recordings available for all of them.
This is the most professionally recorded album we’ve done, so it feels more put together than our other recordings. We were supposed to record six songs at the beginning of 2020 but decided to wait due to Covid-29.
This gave us some time to reflect on the songs we’d written, write a few more new songs, and refine our sound.
These songs feel a lot darker and more intense in some ways than our other songs. Partially because of the creative direction we wanted to go and the music we’ve been listening to but also because of the environment we were in when working on these songs.
2020 was hard on everybody and was definitely a period of reflection and introspection and I think those themes come across in our new music. We’re taking it one step at a time right now because the future is still uncertain as to when live music will come back but our goal right now is to put out this album and hopefully be able to play live shows in 2021.
We miss live music and it was definitely what kept the band going before Covid, so we had to adapt and focus more on making something new that we are proud of. “

“The music rushes over (Tristan) the guitarist like a waterfall, and damn if it isn’t fun to get drenched in the splash zone.” – article by Hayley Thomas Cain

Rock & Roll is Magic
“We like to party. We will trash your house, steal your beer, and it’d would be sick if we could borrow your drums for our set. All hail the magic sacred gemstones. Rock n’ Roll is Magic.”
Tristan Wildey – Guitars & Vocals, Keagan Kelly – Bass, Trenton Class – Drums