Ten years ago, two friends, Anya Violet and Ashmore Ellis set out with the crazy idea to start a ladies-only motorcycle meet in the middle of the desert. We went back to Borrego with them to the site of the original Babes Ride Out.
Watch here as Anya and Ashmore hop on their bikes and take the same road they did all those years ago to the very same dry lake bed that started it all.
— AnyaRiding a motorcycle is inherently empowering.
— AnyaOne of my favorite things to do is to go out with Ashmore and rip out on one of the best roads in California.
The pair met after Ashmore sold Anya an old bike of hers and then met up again at Born Free in 2013. They both were still finding their way on a bike, and what was a casual conversation about a fun weekend of moto camping turned into something much more.
They both roped in some other lady riders they had gotten to know through social media, and they reached out to their friends, and so on. So, with a bad flyer, a thrown-together WordPress site, and a route map, they all set out for the very first Babes Ride Out event.

— AshmoreI’ve seen parts of the United States that I never would have known existed and I’ve met some of my best friends because of motorcycles.
Since the event has not only gone National with rides all over the country but gone global with a meet up in England. They have also branched out into the dirt for those inclined to the off-road life.
They hold training weekends, have a forum to highlight the badass women of their community and those they have inspired to hop on a bike and try for themselves. What started as a girl’s weekend has turned into a real community.
— AnyaBeing a part of creating an environment and platform that invites women into Moto culture is really amazing.
Babes Ride Out 2021: Save the Dates
We’re stoked to announce Babes Ride Out is returning this year with two California-based events in Santa Barbara and Borrego. Check out the Babes website for details.
As they say “Babes Ride Out is a random group of people who came together in a perfect storm – it’s been a wild ride ever since.”